Tip top clap


Forget about boring old sentences with subjects, verbs and objects... In Tip Top Clap, players communicate only with sounds and miming! A party game based on memory, where players have to concentrate so they can memorise and produce the sounds and mimes shown on the cards they draw – in the right order and without any mistakes! The sequence of sounds and mimes gets longer and longer as the game goes on... Giggles guaranteed! The longer the list, the more fun it is! A variety of fun noises and actions. Funny, colourful illustrations. Compact, easily portable box. Durable, high-quality cards. Made of FSC® certified paper and cardboard.


UPC : 3070900051201

Number of players: 2 to 5
Language: EN
Language: FR
Ages: 6 years
Duration: 15 minutes
Publishers: Djeco
Categories: ALL
Categories: GAMES
Sub-categories: Playing Cards

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