Carla Caramel


It’s a sweltering day on the fairgrounds! It’s so hot that kids are lined up at Carla Caramel’s ice cream stand. You showed up just in time to help Carla with the line! Together, help her quickly serve delicious ice cream cones to all the kids. It’d be a shame if they melt before the kids enjoy them! By taking turns, each players will help the ice cream vendor satisfy the kids lining up in front of her Stand by rolling a die, which will either let you add a flavor to an ice cream or move the sun one space, or roll a kid, and give an ice cream to one of the children. Once everyone gets an ice cream, you win! But watch out for the sun, which can melt the ice creams.


UPC : 3760175518980

Number of players: 1 to 6
Language: EN
Language: FR
Ages: 4 years
Duration: 10 min
Publishers: LOKI
New Releases: _2022
Categories: ALL
Sub-categories: Cooperation games
Sub-categories: Family games
Categories: GAMES

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