AQIJ 2022 : a great success

The entire ÎLO team had the chance to be present at the AQIJ 2022 this weekend. We were more than happy to be able to meet you again in order to share our pleasure of playing together and to present our new products to you.


For those who haven't had the chance to come to Drummondville or come see us at our booth, here's a little recap of our weekend while laughing and a preview of the new things coming this year.





Ze Mirror and Pin Pon!

The Ze Mirror range varies between 4 and 6 years

Pin Pon! is for 3+



Discover the Récrénature range.

Roll'nBump / Boom

2 to 5 players / 8+ / 20 min

Murano / Matagot

2 to 4 players / 8+ / 30 min

Abstrac Game / Cosmoludo

2 players / 8+ / 10 min
