Just One Best Boardgame of the Year 2019 !
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 by Îlo307
This is it. After two months of waiting, the « Spiel des Jahres » jury has given his judgment: the « Best Boardgame of the Year » reward goes to Just One published by Repos Production!
The boardgame’s « Oscar » has been won by the cooperative party game Just One on this Monday 22nd of July in Berlin. Furthermore, Dice Tower recently awarded the «Best Party Game 2018» Prize to Just One.
How did the jury choose the « Spiel Des Jahres 2019 »?
Among other things, they look at the design, the creativity of the theme, the equipment and the game mechanics.
Congratulations to the designers of the game (Ludovic Roudy & Bruno Sautter) and to the publisher Repos production for these two awards worthy of mention. And finally, a big thank you, dear customers, for having a warm welcome of the game since its release.