Too Many Bones: Static exp. (EN)

49,99 $

** Jeu en anglais seulement ** Enhance your Too Many Bones experience by adding Static, the Brawler! This ebullient, muscle-bound Gearloc might not attack on every turn, but when he does, look out! The first playable martial artist in Too Many Bones, Static can meditate on turns when he doesn't deal damage, allowing him to save up Dex and unleash blistering attacks when the time is right. Even when not dealing damage, he's a formidable foe, with fighting styles that manipulate his stats, break past enemy defense, and direct baddies to hurt each other. Add-on character only. Requires Too Many Bones, Undertow, or Unbreakable to play.


CUP : 704725643978

Nombre de joueurs: 1 à 4
Langue: EN
Âge: 12 ans
Durée: 60 à 120 min
Éditeurs: Chip Theory
Nouveautés: 2023
Catégorie: JEUX
Sous-catégories: Jeux experts
Catégorie: TOUS

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