Set of 4 Tin Games (en)

99,99 $

** Jeux en anglais seulement ** Dive into Chip Theory Kids with this incredible four-pack of independent play experiences! This beautiful set includes Neighborhood Hide and Seek, Tangram Adventure, Pixel Party, Sudoku Forest, and an exclusive promo pack featuring content for all four games inspired by Chip Theory Games classics! These solo experiences will keep kids occupied for hours! All four games feature beautiful tins and magnetic pieces, making them perfect companions for play at home or on the road. All content is housed in a gorgeous and sturdy slipcase as well, making storage and cleanup a breeze!


CUP : 704725644166

Nombre de joueurs: 1
Langue: EN
Durée: 10 min
Éditeurs: Chip Theory
Nouveautés: 2024
Catégorie: JEUX
Catégorie: TOUS

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