Hybris: Disordered Cosmos (EN)

139,99 $

Primodials Gods have fallen. Hunted, captured and tortured by their children, Chronos and his congeners are nothing but remnants of an ancient world. Era of Olympians has just begun. After aeons of fightings, a new order is established. Zeus, his brothers and sisters took the dominion of the heavens and the mortals world. Now they are trying to organize themselves to share the remaining realms and know who will be the new ruler. Hybris is a boardgame of worker placement, opportunity and development. For 2 – 4 players for game session around 120 minutes. Play your god to build technologies, accomplishing quest, fight heroes, upgrade your Divinity Sparkle and win the game by unlocking all your Divine Enhancements or by victory points in the 6th Age turn.

Nombre de joueurs: 2 à 4
Langue: EN
Âge: 14 ans
Durée: 60 à 180 min
Éditeurs: Intrafin
Nouveautés: 2025
Catégorie: JEUX
Sous-catégories: Jeux experts
Catégorie: TOUS

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