My Good Behavior Chart (1 magnet + magnetic board) (EN) // Hors Québec seulement

12,99 $

Good Behavior Collection Good behavior has never been so motivating! The My Good Behavior Chart motivational kit is a fun and practical tool that helps children understand the consequences of their actions. Use it by moving the character magnet from the green zone to the yellow zone, and from the yellow to the red, depending on your kiddo’s behavior. Praise him when he manages to stay in the green zone by choosing a reward together. The perfect tool for motivating children to adopt good behavior! Ideal to use with the My Good Behaviors Challenges, My Good Deeds and My Emotional Colors motivational kits. Dry erase marker not included


CUP : 990003401297

Langue: EN
Âge: 2 ans
Éditeurs: Minimo
Catégorie: TOUS

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