In My Lunch Box (8 magnets + magnetic board) (EN) // Hors Québec seulement

16,99 $

Family Routine Collection Make packing lunch a breeze! The In My Lunch Box motivational kit is the perfect “practifun” tool to help your little ones get their lunch box ready in the morning. Hang it on the fridge and let them slide the magnets into it as they add the different items to their lunch box. It’s the perfect tool to encourage independence and boost your child’s self-esteem! - Personalize your backpack by writing your name on the label -Slide the magnets into the backpack as you pack your lunch! Dry erase marker not included


CUP : 990003401594

Langue: EN
Âge: 5 ans
Éditeurs: Minimo
Catégorie: TOUS

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