3 brands of games that are good for our planet !

As we all know, the environment is one of our current concerns. We try to change our lifestyle in order to provide a better future for the next generation.

This is why we offer you 3 brands of eco-responsible games & toys that do good for our planet and which make it possible to educate our children to take care of our beautiful planet.


Bioviva is a French company whose mission is to do good for the world through these games by offering fair and eco-responsible products, in particular by using vegetable oil-based ink and by using cardboard inserts instead of plastic. thermoformed.

In addition, their games are designed to promote notions of discovery, sharing and pleasure through fun and educational content accessible to all.

The goal? Allow children and young people to take ownership of the issues related to the preservation of the environment.

Bioviva, we live for that!


Jaq Jaq Bird is one of our favorites! Family business based in San Francisco, this company offers sketchbooks as well as dust-free chalks to your children to awaken their creativity and help them develop skills that will be useful to them in order to prosper and succeed!

What makes them green? Their sketchbooks are 100% reusable and easily erasable and their colored chalks are dust free! Awesome isn't it?

In addition to being the perfect solution for your little ones on the go or during downtime, their products are more than affordable!

With your chalk ... Draw!


Djeco is a French company which has a range of more than 1000 products all over the world! What defines Djeco from other brands are its characters strong in themes: graphic designers and designers, illustrators and inventors, their toys arouse the wonder of the child, enrich his imagination and make him want to continue to discover.

The company has decided to get involved to help the Planet by making their toys "greener". Indeed, Djeco puzzles and DIYs are labeled FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), which means that wood products are made of fibers from an FSC forest.

What is an FSC forest? It is an international certification system dedicated to the promotion of environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically prosperous development. This system therefore helps to take care of our forests and to take care of the human and wildlife populations that inhabit them.

So we say a big congratulations to Djeco!